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Congregation Bet Yosef , Jerusalem

Previous News Items

On Sunday 24th December 2006 Raymond Goldstein, composer, arranger, deputy conductor of the Jerusalem Great Synagogue Choir spoke on: "The Musical Arranger" - an insider's view

יום שלישי, אור לב' תמוז ,27 יוני 20:30

השופט יעקב טירקל

"משפט עברי בפסיקת בית המשפט העליון"

Bet Yosef Forum
Wednesday, June  14th at 8:30 pm
Rabbi Michael Melchior

A Vision for Religious Zionism in the 21st Century
Yom Yerushalayim was most enjoyable.
The area Rabbi, Shalom Cohen addressed the congregation before the Festive Maariv Service which was followed by a reception in the foyer. 
On April 30th Dr Chana Kehat, founder of Kolech, spoke on "Women in leadership roles in the Orthodox Community
Yom Haatsmaut at Bet Yosef. We had a festive service followed by a reception where Dr Ben Mollov gave an illustrated talk about his recent trip to Malaysia. Board member, Colonel (ret) Yosi Herstik spoke about his experiences in the Yom Kippur war. 
Communal Seder at Bet Yosef.
The Synagogue held a Seder service for the first time in its history!  The evening was a great success and bookings have already been received for next year!!
The Sunday Night Forum on 12th March was given by Elli Jaffe, music director at the Jerusalem Great Synagogue.
The talk on 'Musical Items in the High Holiday Nusach' was exceptional and extremely well received by the assembled audience.  He illustrated his talk with extracts from the liturgy accompanying himself at the organ
Purim at Bet Yosef .  Children's party after megilla reading
Rabbi Motti Elon, Head of Yeshivat Hakotel spoke on Friday evening, Parshat Teruma.
Guest cantor Naty Bar Am led the Shabbat morning Shacharit and Musaf services on Shabbat Sedra Teruma.
Singles evening at Bet Yosef Friday 17th February -
Kabbalat Shabbat service followed by Seudat Shabbat.
A large and appreciative audience attended the Sunday Night Forum  on 19th February    Mr Isi Leibler spoke on 
"Israel and the Jewish People in Crisis"
On Shabbat morning, parshat Vayechi, members of the Jerusalem Great Synagogue Choir accompanied the service at the Batmitsvah of Tamar Greenstein.
Tu B'Shvat was celebrated at Bet Yosef on Saturday night February 11th at 7:30
Cantor Daniel Halfon performed selections from the Spanish and Portugese rite and Mrs Yafa Lev Zion spoke about Tu Bishvat and the Covenant
On Sunday 29th January 2006, Mr Pinchas Landau spoke to a captivated Sunday Night Forum audience  on:
"The Coming Economic Boom?"

Bet Yosef Synagogue, Jerusalem

Bet Yosef Synagogue, Jerusalem


Last updated on

Midnight Choral Selichot Service
Motzae Shabbat 20th September at 22:00
Sam Grafstein z"l

A Memorial Gathering on Sam's Shloshim was held at the shul on the 1st September. There was a good turnout to remember the life of one of the Synagogues favourite members who was loved by all especially the kids.
His two sons spoke in addition to addresses by Rabbis Sharfman and Gold.
He will be sorely missed.
Yehiye Zichro baruch.

Previous News Items
High Holidays Timetable

The Shul President, Mr Gershon Lipshitz

Times of Services

Parshat Noach

Weekday services
Shacharit 6:00 and 6:30 Rosh Chodesh, 5:45am
Mincha 16:40
Maariv 17:20
Friday Night, Kabbalat Shabbat 25 mins after candle lighting
Shabbat Morning: 7, 8,and 9am
Shabbat Mincha: 12:15 and 16:00
Motzei Shabbat: Maariv 10 mins before Shabbat terminates

Outgoing Vaad Member, Mr Refael Bar Yaakov

Yashar Koach!

The incoming vaad wishes to express its appreciation to outgoing vaad member Refael Bar Yaakov for his untiring devotion to the Bet Yosef Synagogue over the years. Now he's 'retired' from the vaad, we can hope that we'll be hearing more of his leading the davening in his wonderful yekish style.

The Main Sanctuary

Organization News

Vaad Members:

Pinchas Barzel 678 1083

Baruch Greenplast 566 2767

Jonathan Greenstein 678 1627 email: jhgreenstein@iee.org

Aharon Hurwitz 678 9583

Gershon Lipshitz 678 8992

Becoming a Member

Yearly membership is NIS 300. (not including High Holiday seats)
Concession rates are available eg Chayalim Bodedim get 50% discount.
Drop by with your cheque/cash or mail it in.

Vaad Meeting: 17/9/03    Main decisions taken


* The shul is to become computerised after the chagim. Payments, membership lists, Yahzeit notices, pledge reminders will be automated.

* We are in the process of getting permission to open the kindergarden play-area downstairs for the use of the kids during shabbat services.

* Plans are afoot for renovating the shul entrance area

* An emergency exit is to be prepared at the front of the shul

* The Irya is to asked to provide lighting on the outside steps, to fill in holes in the paving and to add a central bannister on the section of steps going down to Shimoni Street.

*  The shul is very grateful to Rabbi Kidron for his daily shiur and it was felt that a remuneration should be offered to him for this service.

* Lighting in the Bed Hamidrash is to be upgraded.


Next Vaad meeting: 27th October 2003

Questions or comments? Get in touch with us at:

Mailing Address:

Bet Yosef Synagogue
17 Shimoni Street

Phone: 02 679 0120

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