Who is on the elevator committee?
The shul's building committee is also overseeing the elevator project.
Its members are: Yosi Herstig (Chair) , Eli Oster, Oscar Davis and Jonny Greenstein
Where will the elevator be sited?
The entrance will be from Shimoni Street where the notice board is sited at present. The ground between the kindergarten
and the shul will be excavated and a walkway made upto the building. The elevator will stop at the main entrance level
and access to the main entrance will be via a new walkway. The 2nd stop will be at the ladies gallery.
How much will the elevator cost?
The contractor hasn't yet been chosen but the cost will be in the region of 350 - 400,000 Shekels.
How will the elevator be funded and maintained?
How long will it take to build?
What about Shabbat
The elevator will have a shabbat function and will be automatucally go up and down between stops during times of services.
How will it help those living in the Tchernichovsky area?
The elevator will mainly help those living in the Shimoni area but those living higher up will be able to enter
the ladies gallery and go down one floor. On the way back they can use the elevator to go up to the gallery and then
continue up stopping for kiddush on the way!